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Is Addiction Treatment Effective

Understanding whether addiction treatment is effective can be a difficult and complex issue. Addiction is a complex issue with many underlying causes and is unique to each individual. Therefore, the effectiveness of any particular treatment can vary significantly from person to person. Additionally, seeking addiction treatment can be difficult and frightening, as it often requires […]

Role of Friends in Addiction Recovery

Show You Care When you’re trying to get your friend in recovery back on track, you don’t need to be a drill sergeant. You don’t even need to add more pressure. You need to be yourself with them. If you’re too harsh or come off as an angry drill sergeant, they might decide they don’t […]

How to Find the Right Addiction Treatment Program for You

Talk to Friends and Family First The first person you should talk to about your substance use problem is a close friend or family member. These individuals will likely be the first to notice if you start to change in some way. They may also be able to provide you with a little insight into […]

Where to Find Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs

There are many places you can look for alcohol rehab programs. These include: Treatment centers – These centers are specialty facilities that offer medically supervised detox and residential treatment programs. Treatment centers can usually recommend outpatient treatment programs, too. Hospital-based programs – Hospital-based programs have become increasingly popular. They allow patients to stay in the […]

Ancient Alcohol

There have been discoveries of intentional beer jugs, meaning that even 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic period, beverages were being fermented. The worship of deities such as Osiris who was a deity of wine was also quite prevalent throughout the ancient Egyptian nation when at that time most deities were celebrated locally or familiarly. […]

Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatments Are Both Effective And Diverse

Alcohol addiction has taken the lives of many people. As a result, alcohol rehabilitation programs become ever more important. Whether you’re calling an alcohol rehab line on behalf of someone close to you, or you’re making the important step yourself, you’ll always be able to find a person or organization that’s willing to help you […]

How Can We Help Alcohol Abusers?

Drinking is very common in all nations. Thus, it seems somehow natural that alcoholism is one of the most widespread addictions. Alcohol abuse is considered either a clear sign of alcoholism (in incipient or severe stages) or a direct consequence of it. Becoming dependent means that you drink regularly and, thus gradually develop a greater […]

How to Deal With Alcohol Problems

In our view, it is time to forget the word ’alcoholic’, which must be one of the most misleading and outdated terms in the English language. It should be replaced with the words ’drink problem’.As long as they haven’t sunk to the level of that tramp they see swigging Tennents Extra every day near their […]

Alcohol Addiction – Three Phases of Addiction Recovery

One way to view being in drug and alcohol addiction recovery is to think of a timeline with three phases marked out on it, early recovery, middle recovery, and late recovery.Every stage of addiction recovery has certain lessons to be learned, growth opportunities, and tasks that must be completed within that stage before moving to […]

What to Expect When Entering an Alcohol Rehab Facility

When an individual has an alcohol dependency or alcoholism, in the majority of cases they are unable to stop their usage of alcohol on their own. There are many treatment programs out there such as support groups like ”AA” or ”Alcoholics Anonymous” as well asoutpatient faculties that specialize in the treatment of alcohol addiction. We […]