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Role of Family in Addiction Recovery

Be Aware of the Symptoms of Addiction Before you can begin the process of recovery, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of addiction. This will help you identify the problem and take steps to get help for it. This knowledge will also help you better understand your loved one and how their behaviors […]

Is Addiction Treatment Effective

Understanding whether addiction treatment is effective can be a difficult and complex issue. Addiction is a complex issue with many underlying causes and is unique to each individual. Therefore, the effectiveness of any particular treatment can vary significantly from person to person. Additionally, seeking addiction treatment can be difficult and frightening, as it often requires […]

The Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment

Introduction If you or someone you care about are struggling with an addiction, you know how difficult the journey to recovery can be. You’ve probably heard of inpatient drug rehab and addiction treatment, but do you understand the benefits? At Trucare Trust, we believe in providing comprehensive care for those suffering from drug addictions. We […]

Role of Friends in Addiction Recovery

Show You Care When you’re trying to get your friend in recovery back on track, you don’t need to be a drill sergeant. You don’t even need to add more pressure. You need to be yourself with them. If you’re too harsh or come off as an angry drill sergeant, they might decide they don’t […]

How to treat addiction

Establish clear goals The main goal of a substance abuse treatment program is to help you break your addiction. To achieve this, you’ll need to clearly identify what it is that you’re addicted to. Once you have this figured out, you can design a treatment plan that specifically targets this aspect of your life. This […]

How to Find the Right Addiction Treatment Program for You

Talk to Friends and Family First The first person you should talk to about your substance use problem is a close friend or family member. These individuals will likely be the first to notice if you start to change in some way. They may also be able to provide you with a little insight into […]

How to choose the right addiction treatment program in India

What is an addiction? A substance addiction is an uncontrollable desire to use a substance, coupled with a persistent compulsion to do so. It is a health problem that often begins when an individual uses the substance to fill a void or coping mechanism. Substance addictions are considered chronic if they are present for at […]

Where to Find Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs

There are many places you can look for alcohol rehab programs. These include: Treatment centers – These centers are specialty facilities that offer medically supervised detox and residential treatment programs. Treatment centers can usually recommend outpatient treatment programs, too. Hospital-based programs – Hospital-based programs have become increasingly popular. They allow patients to stay in the […]

What type of drug or alcohol use disorder do you have?

Some substances, such as alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs, can cause a SUD regardless of your age. Other drugs, such as heroin, methamphetamines, and hallucinogens, are often abused by adolescents and young adults. This means that if you have a SUD related to these substances, you may have a condition called “use disorder.” Other drugs, […]

Reasons to consider alcohol rehab

Those whose drinking has become problematic may find that a stint in rehab could help them regain control over alcohol and get their life back on track. Both options may work for different people but this article will focus on residential rehab. We have the best alcohol rehabilitation centre in Pune.  Here are a few […]